Want to point Godaddy domain to Bluehost?
Don’t know how to do it?
Don’t worry…
In this article, I’m going to show you exactly How to Point Domain from Godaddy to Bluehost.
If you purchased your domain names separate from your web host you’re just going to need to make a few small changes in order for your blog to be viewed online and the reason being is that your domain name needs to point towards your web hosts DNS before anyone can access your blog. This can be accomplished by configuring your name servers.
Now I know I’m throwing a lot of jargon and technical terms around but trust me it’s super easy.
Why do you need to configure your Nameservers?
First, let me clarify why do you need to configure Nameservers.
Let’s say you purchased the domain from GoDaddy but you purchased your web hosting from Bluehost.
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Now if someone were to go to your website or blog they wouldn’t be able to access your site and odds are that they’d be taken to an ad page that’s designated by GoDaddy and that’s because your domain name isn’t pointing towards your web host Bluehost.
There is a solution and that is what I am explaining in this tutorial.
All you have to do is reconfigure those name servers and once you change your nameservers you’re going to be able to start building your blog and other people will be able to access it as well.
Now for this tutorial, I’m assuming that you purchased your domain name from GoDaddy and your web hosting from Bluehost. We’re going to be doing is we’re just going to make a couple of quick changes so that when people enter your domain name online they’ll be taken to your blog.
I’m going to show you how to do it step-by-step in this article.
Let’s get started
Steps on How to Point Domain from Godaddy to Bluehost:
Step 1: So the first thing you want to do is go to GoDaddy and sign into your account with the credentials.
Step 2: After logging in you should see some different products within your account menu.
But we’re going to focus on the domains so where it says domains click on the DNS button
Step 3: Next you’ll be taken to your domain management page and this is where you’re going to configure the name servers. Click on “Change” The default nameservers will be of GoDaddy as shown in below screenshot.
Step 4: Now click on Change button and change it to “custom” option and enter Bluehost nameservers.
Basically, if you are using Shared Hosting of Bluehost the nameservers will be ns1.bluehost.com and ns2.bluehost.com.
Normally the nameservers will be emailed to you after the purchase of hosting. You can check out the email through which you signed up for Bluehost.
If you look at the upper right-hand side of your screen you should see a little alert notifying you that your request has been submitted and that it should take a few moments for it to take effect
Note: Usually, it takes some time to update nameservers which may take 5 minutes to up to 4 hours to reflect the nameservers.
Just keep an eye on it and keep checking your domain but everything should transfer over in a short period of time and once the nameservers are set you can start building your website.
Also Read: How to Install WordPress on Bluehost Hosting
Final Conclusion: If you found this article helpful feel free to share with your friends who are getting started in setting up their domain.If you have any queries in pointing domain feel free to comment below in the comment section and I will help you in setting up.
THANK YOU! I just spent two hours fumbling around with bluehost, wordpress and theme tutorials and couldn’t get anything to work, because (in all the beginner info) no one ever mentioned that I needed to switch the nameserver info on GoDaddy.
Thanks, Pat
Glad you liked the tutorial.
Yes, if you are on GoDaddy then you should update nameservers.
it was really helpful, though i did it at the launch of my first site , i forgot all the steps , thanks a lot you made it easy 🙂